Project of the Center for Public Diplomacy (CPD) «Information wars against Ukraine and other European countries: Lithuania’s experience in tackling propaganda» is funded under the Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania and implemented in cooperation with the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine.
The main aims of the project are:
- to strengthen the capacity of representatives of Ukrainian local authorities, local NGOs and mass media to recognize and resist disinformation;
- to share Lithuania’s experience in tackling propaganda and strengthening independent media.
In the frames of the project 5 public events are to be held for representatives of local authorities, non-governmental organisations and mass media in different regions of Ukraine (Mariupol (July 2020), Severodonetsk (July 2020), Kharkiv (July 2020), Odesa (August 2020), Kherson (September 2020)) with the participation of Lithuanian and Ukrainian experts in the field of information security. During the project implementation it is planned to elaborate, publish and distribute the joint Lithuanian-Ukrainian Policy Paper «Information wars against Ukraine and other European countries: Lithuania’s experience in tackling propaganda». The document will be presented and discussed in October 2020 in Kyiv.